
LCID Chart

Hi Guys
I was playing around customizing a look and feel of a Data View web part. The web part was reading data from a list and displaying the information. It contains a Date Time column that was displaying its information in American date formate. As display below,
select="ddwrt:FormatDate(string(@ows_EventDate), 1033, 1)
1033 stand for US English and end result was 09/22/2005 (mm/dd/yy)
I needed to change this to display Australian Date and Time format as dd/mm/yy.
So I was looking for the LCID of Australian English and found out fallowing usefull article that display most LCID’s.
Changing the, Date, Time, and Currency Format
I end up changing the above code to fallowing to achive my requirements
elect="ddwrt:FormatDate(string(@ows_EventDate), 3081, 1)
End result look like 22/09/2005

Reference Information